
Check back here regularly to find out what's going on at Sepoy Karate Leicester.

Latest News

Tuesday night temporary home

We have extensive renovation works due for the St Marys Hall in Lidster Close LE5 and so until further notice our new home is....

The 55th Community hall (formerly the Scout hut)


The Peterborough Series is back on!

Our Humberstone club is now back competing in the Peterborough Series. Want to compete?  Want to do Katas? Want to come along and see what goes on? Contact your club instructor. 

Next senior belt grading 2021

Congratulations to all who graded in November 2021. A throughly excellent grading.

Register is updated monthly

Have you taken your black belt grading with us? You will be on the national blackbelt register about a month afterwards.

Latest News

Closure dates of 2019

Our clubs are now open each Monday and Tuesday evening from 1830 hrs. Last lesson before we close for the August bank holiday for one week is 20/08/19 at Humberstone and 19/08/19 at Braunstone. Why not bring a friend along for their 1st free lesson?

The 2019 fitness challenge is back on !!

Our Humberstone club is now running a monthly "fitness " contest! The winner keeps the trophy for that month. The overall winner of the trophy will be the student that wins it the most number of  times in 2019.

Next senior belt grading 2019

If you are brown tag or brown belt ask your instructor about the next senior grading dates. We can start work now on your targets and fitness plans to be ready for it.

Register is updated monthly

Have you taken your black belt grading with us? You will be on the national blackbelt register about a month afterwards.

Latest News

Closure dates of 2018

Our clubs are now open each Monday and Tuesday evening from 1830 hrs.Why not bring a friend along for their 1st free lesson?


2018 closure dates TBC

The 2018 fitness challenge is on !!

Our Humberstone club is now running a monthly "fitness " contest! The winner keeps the trophy for that month. We have a girls and boys trophy.

2018 senior belt grading

If you are brown tag or brown belt ask your instructor about the next senior grading dates. We can start work now on your targets and fitness plans to be ready for it.

Competition dates 2018 

Want to go along and compete in point fighting or full contact sparring? Kata categories too. Ask your instructor for more details or click the link to the site below.

Latest News

New Brown tag belts delighted with their success.

Our style founder and chief Instructor was delighted with the effort, determination, skill and resilience that all our grading students showed on 13/11/16. For some it was their first senior grading.

First Sunday course of 2018 at Sepoy HQ 

1st course of the new year at Peterborough. Check with your instructor for confirmation. Coloured belts are by invite only.

Next competition dates.

Want to go along and compete in point fighting or full contact sparring? Kata categories too. Ask your instructor for more details or click the link to the site below.

Black belts were awarded too

A massive well done on a very impressive grading on 13/11/16


1st Dan

Ailsa Burton

Joseph Mallen

Ali Horn

James Cooper


2nd Dan

Paul Reilly


3rd Dan

Jamie Derry


5th Dan

Paul Carson


Sepoy Karate Leicester

Monday night club

West End Working Mens Club

Braunstone Avenue


Monday evenings from 18:15 hrs kids lesson.

Adults lesson starts 19:30 hrs


Tuesday night club 

The 55th Community Hall (formerly the scout Hut)

70 Nursery Road

Thurnby Lodge



Tuesday evenings mixed kids and 

adults lesson starts 19:45 hrs

For directions and a google map click on this link Here




Want to come and train with us? First Lesson free...

Call us on: 07850 561827

or contact us directly using our online contact form below.

Want to e-mail us to find out more?

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Please call 07850 561827 or drop us an e mail at if you need any further information.