Our team

Sepoy Karate Leicester consists of a team of fully trained, insured and DBS (formerly CRB) certified instructors.They have equality and diversity accreditation too. Our instructor teams from both Leicester clubs have over 100 years martial arts training experience between them. Let us tell you a little more about them.



Gary Smith

Chief instructor of all Sepoy Karate clubs and style founder 8th dan


I am a chief instructor for all the Sepoy Karate clubs and I founded the style in 1992. I have taken all the styles I have enjoyed over the years and blended them to create Sepoy Freestyle Karate. I hold a 8th Dan and am the deputy chair of NAKMAS.


There are Sepoy Katate clubs throughout the country and I work very closely with all the senior instructors who run the clubs locally. This ensures I have input from all the clubs across the country to keep the style relevant and easy to do.


I have "style keepers" in all the clubs and they ensure that the syllabus is taught uniformly across all the clubs and that all ideas and suggestions for the continual improvement of the style get captured and fully tried and tested before being intergrated into the syllabus.


I am passionate about having a style that is relevant for the streets, easy to learn and hard to beat.


I run monthly Sunday courses throughout the year where my instructors and senior grades can keep their training up to date. This will include enhancements to the syllabus and to ensure they are always fully trained and up to date. This includes, amongst other topics, Equality and Diversity and child safety.


As the Sepoy Freestyle Karate Chief Instructor I will oversee all our Dan gradings and the senior coloured belt gradings. I have my own club in Peterborough and am often in the other clubs across  the country as I love seeing the learning taking place.





Gary Martin

Senior instructor Leicester 6th Dan


I am a senior instructor for the Leicester clubs. I run the clubs with Paul and Pete. I am often in both clubs each week. I am a former postman and full time stay at home dad. I specialise in taking the kids classes and I too teach kata's. I run the administration side of the clubs to ensure gradings take place when the students are ready. I also ensure  that licences and insurances are all in order. Paul Carson and I are  "style keepers". My weapon of choice is the Nunchaku.


Pete Allen

Senior instructor Leicester 6th Dan


I am a senior instructor in the Leicester clubs. I was a senior nurse in the NHS. I specialise in Kata and weapons work. I too have trained over many years in many styles with my best friend Paul Martin and his sons Gary and Jamie. I am a competition coach and help prepare students for tournament contact sparring and Kata forms. My weapon of choice is the Nunchaku and the Katana.


Paul Martin

Sepoy Karate special advisor Leicester 6th dan


I am a special advisor for the Leicester clubs.

I am ex armed forces and discovered my love of martial arts and the discipline required to succeed in them whilst serving.  I have done many martial arts styles over the years. I formerly ran the Braunstone club with my son Gary and specialise in teaching kata's. My weapon of choice is the Bo staff.


Angela Allen

Instructor Leicester 5th Dan


I began training when I was 5 years old and what started out as a hobby to share with my dad turned into a lifelong passion. I believe everyone has the right to defend themselves and the ability to learn. Becoming an instructor in Sepoy Leicester has given me the privilege to share my passion with all those that attend the clubs. I lead the adult exercise class at the Humberstone club. I specialise in competition and grading preperation. My personal weapon of choice is the nunchaku.


Paul Reilly

Instructor Leicester 2nd Dan


I am an instructor in the Leicester clubs. I also help run the website and social media parts of the club with Angela. I will often take the kids classes at Humberstone.

I specialise in fitness and conditioning work for both classes.  I also train in Aikido and my weapon of choice is the Bokken. I am a qualified driving instructor too and offer lessons to our students and their familes. The details of how to get in touch are on the "friends of sepoy karate" tab


Ali Horn 

Instructor Leicester 2nd Dan


I am an instructor at the Humberstone club. My karate training has helped me learn to keep focused on what is important in my life. Despite health issues over the years, and with the the help of the club, I have been able to continue and achieve my 1st Dan black belt. I instruct in the kids class hoping to encourage and teach the students some of the skills I have learnt which can be used in everyday life as well as their karate. My weapon of choice id the tonfa.



Sepoy Karate Leicester

Monday night club

West End Working Mens Club

Braunstone Avenue


Monday evenings from 18:15 hrs kids lesson.

Adults lesson starts 19:30 hrs


Tuesday night club 

The 55th Community Hall (formerly the scout Hut)

70 Nursery Road

Thurnby Lodge



Tuesday evenings mixed kids and 

adults lesson starts 19:45 hrs

For directions and a google map click on this link Here




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Please call 07850 561827 or drop us an e mail at enquiry@sepoykarateleicester.co.uk if you need any further information.